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Monday, November 23, 2009

Babysitter guide safe

If our children are first born, we swear on the side, believe that their sweet little hands and laughing, we believe it is getting stuck. Who could ever get away from this little beast?

A couple of months, however, and does not seem as bad weather. And disappear after a few months and years, it is more gratifying than an idea, take some time away - it is a necessity.

Time away from the child, however, has led to some time to prepare - ie a babysitter. And while hiring a friend to your house and take care of your children may seem daunting, so the son and daughters at home all alone is frightening.

Before you some much needed adult time to spend a few minutes with the baby-sitter for the preparation and she sat calm. Ensuring home safety, a very important issue in which your baby-sitter must cover to be informed. Not sure where to start? Take notes here:

1. Locks

Talk to the babysitter or nanny you selected protocols on the block. Some locks can be difficult, and even if they now have the special hip hang nudge needed to close the back door completely, a stranger in your house may not have the slightest idea. Make sure your babysitter understands closed doors and operate like any home closures. And of course, remember to leave all tightly closed and locked before you head out the door.

2. Home Alarm Systems

While blocking usually mild and universal, alarm systems and home security are not. Tell the person you have chosen, at home with your children about how to leave your alarm functions. Explain the problems as possible, and how to disable the alarm, and what to do if the alarm is activated. If you have older children, make sure they know the babysitter to help with this device.

3. Potential visitors

Let baby-sitter with an idea of potential visitors to trust while you're away. Maybe you expect a plumber to repair a leaking pipe or a friend to return something you borrowed. Make sure that whoever is in your house, know that these people can be trusted - and what others can not.

4. Detectors

In the same direction as a home security can talk with the nanny or babysitter you have smoke detectors and detectors of carbon monoxide in the selected country. Talk about what to do when you register on the path and how to determine if the batteries are almost empty in the case of a malfunction.

5. Emergencies

This may seem rather obvious, but be sure to make a point is only for the case. Develop a list of phone numbers and emergency contacts in case a situation arose. Do more than give your cell phone number, especially when you far. Then let the coordinates of a neighbor or someone who lives nearby, so if you're away, someone in a position to respond.

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